Prof. Dr. Lutz Sommer - teaches at the Albstadt-Sigmaringen University of Applied Sciences in the Department of Engineering. He studied engineering and economics in Germany, Italy and Poland and graduated as a Dipl.-Ing. (Univ.) from the TU Berlin, as a Dipl.-Wirt.Ing. (Univ.) from the FU Hagen / TU Berlin and as a Dipl.-Kfm. (Univ.) from the FU Hagen with a focus on economics, technical chemistry and production management. He received a doctorate in economics as part of a German-Polish EU-funded project at the University of Danzig / Gdansk and docotorate from International Telematic University UNINETTUNO / Rome. Previously, he held various positions, including Assistant to the Management Board (BESO Group - Germany), Export Officer - Middle East & Asia (Jungheinrich AG / WAP - Germany) and Head of the Detergents Division (NKT-Holding A/S - Denmark). He is currently a member of the Flex4Fact research project.